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Thanks Danielle Turkov

Monday 10 October 2011

Tribute to Steve Jobs

A man of many skills who lived his life positively and with struggle:

This is a advertisement for apple products, how has the company changed since then?

What do you think about Steve Jobs? Is he idolised and percieved as a heroe? What do you think about his life and his company Apple? Write your views here and post a comment!


  1. English is amazing!

  2. Hellooo everyone!!
    Regarding my views of S.Jobs,I personally think that he is believed as an heroe worldwilde and I undersand people's point of view as he had taught us that with few economical resources you can achieve what you really want in your life,it's just a matter of hard-work. He is for me an example, and I especially share his motto of life " Live today as if it was your last day". Nevertheless, for me there is people more important than him, with this I refer to those who have give their entire life for others.I don't think this advert will annoy anyone as in the past buying one of this items was not common as it was exclusive for people who could afford paying it.

    I would also like to know your opinions!!
    myriam :)

  3. heeeeeey!! I think, steve jobs is an example for everyone, but not for everything he has created; in my opinion, he has to be a reference because, when he went to university and found put it wasn't what he really wanted, que quited, and attended those classes he was really interested in. So, as he says, we all have to find our job, the one that we love, because without it we won't be able to spend our entire life working. by the way, i thnink teh advert is amazing. they want us to think that buying an apple product is something special, so we will feel unique once we get it. So, as i see it, Steve Jobs is a great man who has done a lot in life, but however, we can't forget that many people dies all around the world every day, so we have to take it in consideration too, because a person dies and everybody cries, but million people dies everyday, and not many people even realise.

    pd: i've solved the problem with the privacity of my docs!

  4. danielle!! do u know any web page(s) for practising reading excersises as the ones in cambridge exams?? see u on monday!!

  5. hello Danielle! Steve Jobs... a great man who changed the way of life. with his ideas, he has made possible many tools that every day we use. he improved the quality of life of all the people that use modern technology like computers, mp3 players or even tablets. he has revolutionized all these products and he improved them into macbooks, ipods or ipads, things that everyone have in their homes. he could transfer an idea from his mind to ours, he changed Apple`s followers minds. thats the reason because Apple is not only a company, it's also a belief.great work steve


  6. Hello!!
    Talking about what I do think about Steve Jobs, I would say that he's a genius who worked hard during all his life to reach his happiness creating something which no one had ever thought before. Moreover, I believe that he is seen as a heroe, which might be understandable as he has revolutionized the entire world with his innovations. However, I think that apple won't continue for long as his brilliant ideas aren't still alive.
    See you tomorrow!
    Patricia Arbó

  7. Hii Danielle!!
    I think that S. Jobs has become a hero, because from my point of view everybody would like to be like him, to be able to have the same opportunity in life, and the same luck as he had when he went to university. He didn’t like what he was doing, so he decided to drop out, and learn some subjects that he found interesting to spent time, while the year ended. He didn’t finish the grade, so, how he could be as important as he is, and get where he is today? I think because he loved what he made, from the beginning he realized that he didn’t like what he was doing, so he tried to found something that really makes him happy. He tells us to make the same as the made, because if we do what we love, we would get very far, and achieve our goals.

    Bea Cerdà

  8. In my opinion, Steve Jobs is one of the important people that change our history. We never forget his name.
    In particulary, he has revolutionized technology world making it grow. It can be an example to follow not only in the laborer world but in life, too. He loves his job so thanks to this we can have now all his incredible products that make our communication life easier. I like when he said "Live today as if it was your last day", he wanted to show us that life is really short and we must exploit every day doing amazing things but, especially the things that we love.

    Nuria Coll

  9. Thanks for all these fantastic comments!You have some interesting ideas and some really inspirational opinions!

    WELL DONE!!!


  10. Hi Danielle! I finally found what we had to do, sorry for the delay!

    When I first saw Steve Jobs' speech I thought that he had probably been a great person and I started admiring him. I believe his advice is very useful for us all and that we have to take it in consideration.
    Although I don't like the fact that now that he has died everyone watches his speech, even people who had no idea who he was and considers him a heroe, I find it a bite fake. Regardless he deserves it or not.
    I think he transformed the technologic world, creating new items and looking always to the future. Apple has become a basic company in the world technology and in part is thanks to him, it is like a reference for all the other companies I think...

    Talking about the advertisement, I think that apple products don't mean the same nowadays. You don't feel that important when you buy one of their products such as an ipod or an iphone, although you rather an iphone than a samsung cell phone.

    See you soon!
    María Valverde :)!

  11. Hi Danielle!! well I think that Steve Jobs has revolutionized all the technologic world, with his ideas he revolutionized the domestic technological world, he was a man with advanced ideas for his time.
    Is a leader who has advanced humanity with his revolutionary ideas. Ideas like iPods, iPhones, iPads, MacBooks.... I have mani of this inventions at home and I usually use them and the most impresive is that they seem futuristic inventions, advanced at ouer time. In brief Steve was a man with an inpresive mind and he was able to share this extraordinary mind with all us.

    Carlos Pelejero (the master) :)

    pd: hope you liked my comment.
