
Learning from and teaching those in need

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Hi everyone! This is your English Blog.A type of resource centre where I will occasionally put homework tasks and reference material for you to access.

This Blog will also be used to present your work. Some of the selectivitat written preparation that deserves merit will be put up on this blog too.

If you have used any particularly good online interactive websites and would like to add them, post a comment and I will be straight onto it.

I hope you find some of the information on here useful!

Thanks Danielle Turkov

Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 and 3/4

The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4

Before reading…

·        The main character is a thirteen-year-old English boy who is in eighth grade. What do you think are some of the problems that he will face? Are they the same problems that you face as a teenager?

·        Think of all the differences that there are between life in the present and life in the early 1980’s. List all the differences (cultural, political, technological, etc.) that you can think of.

Watch the extract about Adrian Mole and answer the following questions.

1.      What do you think about Adrian’s New Year resolutions? Explain your answer.
2.      Why does Adrian call himself an “intellectual”? Do you agree with him?
3.      Adrian’s mother is far from perfect or typical. Make a list of at least 3 things that you would expect a normal mother to do and another list of the typical things that Adrian’s Mom does.
4.      Who is Pandora?
5.      Who is Bert Baxter and what is his relationship with Adrian?
6.      What happens on Valentine’s Day?
7.      Who is Barry Kent?
8.      What is a “paper round”?
9.      Why does Adrian feel his parents abuse of him?
10.   What happens when Adrian’s parents divorce?
11.  Why does Adrian start to feel suspicious about his mother’s feelings towards Mr. Lucas?

This worksheet must be answered in diary format. It will be assessed by me your teacher.

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